Monday, April 21, 2008

readjustment, ever listing

My aloofness is lethargic. I keep trying to combat it, but my flailing attempts have been desperate and haphazard, and hence only obtaining transient success. So now the regimentation beings! (Of course there's no point in going through the motions for quota's sake, but I will do my best to adhere with probity.)

Reading. Finish reading Ulysses, then a couple books on film related topics/people (including Bergman's autobiography, maybe a Leigh book, and then one of a couple broader film books), then on to Proust. If I survive that, then more film books. (I'm compiling lists of them.)

Film. One film every other day. Using one slot of my Netflix rentals, I'll pick one director at a time and watch five or so his/her films in a row, then move on to another director in the same manner and so on. (Current director being Bergman, followed by Fassbinder, Ozu, Leigh, Kurosawa, Rivette, Rohmer, Akerman.) Second slot could be theme related (e.g., certain period in time, documentaries, certain type of humor, etc.). Third slot will be mood-based.

Blog. ONE FILM RELATED BLOG PER WEEK! I say this all the time but never follow through, but this time I'm serious. Also I need to start working my way though the vast number of topics I have in a saved list. Writing about any one of them would be more fruitful for my brain than what I usually spend my time here doing.

Miscellaneous. Less time wasted on the internet by adhering to the look-up lists I create. Social experimentation - destruction of projected persona. Learn to speak.

Why do I write these out? Because thinking about them gets me motivated, and I actually do look back at them and try to follow through with what I say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!