Sunday, April 6, 2008


I have no energy!!! My sulking has ceased for the most part, but as my interests and passions once again begin to rejuvenate, I still find myself physically dormant, trapped and frustrated in a nearly autistic state of inexpressible mental excitement. I sit here, numerous topics in mind, multiple tabs open and waiting, but unable to phrase them discernibly. I also have a stack of books within arms reach, all started and enjoyed, but none anywhere near finished. Maybe I'm just being too critical, expecting too much so early back in. But is it really so early? I will constantly suffer from these highs and lows and if I don't learn how to pick myself back up again quicker, I'll always drop before I ever peak. What's stopping me? Mentally, I seem fine lately. Maybe the issues are more physical than I want to admit. I dislike forcing myself to be physically active but I fear it's just another thing I'm going to have to start regimenting... not to mention my self-inflicted undernourishment, but I have been trying to correct that recently. Forgetfully, I'm too lost in thought to realize these things most of the time.

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