OLD GENTLEMAN: [to the LOGICIAN] My dog has got four paws.
LOGICIAN: [to the OLD GENTLEMAN] Then it's a cat.
BERENGER: [to JEAN] I've barely got the strength to go on living. Maybe I don't even want to.
OLD GENTLEMAN: [to the LOGICIAN, after deep reflection] So then logically speaking, my dog must be a cat?
LOGICIAN: [to the OLD GENTLEMAN] Logically, yes. But the contrary is also true.
BERENGER: [to JEAN] Solitude seems to oppress me. And so does the company of other people.
JEAN: [to BERENGER] You contradict yourself. What oppresses you - solitude, or the company of others? You consider yourself a thinker, yet you're devoid of logic.
OLD GENTLEMAN: [to the LOGICIAN] Logic is a very beautiful thing.
LOGICIAN: [to the OLD GENTLEMAN] As long as it is not abused.
BERENGER: [to JEAN] Life is an abnormal business.
JEAN: On the contrary. Nothing could be more natural, and the proof is that people go on living.
BESENGER: There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer.

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