Monday, October 6, 2008

quote // *** // vague update

"Writing (like all acts of artistic creation) is a process of discovery and the writer must hold him or herself delicately, sensitively open to whatever comes up during that process of exploration, continuously willing to change paths to pursue new material, to go off in a new direction." RC

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I am so frustrated lately. Everything seems to take fives times longer than I plan, and I'm still at a point where I feel like with each step I'm losing more ground than I gaining. I know with persistence this will change, but such knowledge doesn't make my effort any less arduous. It's not helping that lately my body is demanding nine hours of sleep a night versus the typical five that I prefer giving it. Gauging my progress is skewed by how often my feats are internal, and those that aren't, are still very much private. I, among too many others infused with programmed expectations, still struggle to anticipate the future benefits of my current selfishness. If anything, this expanded need for time only makes it all the more obvious and imminent that I eradicate those tasks that take away from my desired pursuits.

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