Sunday, January 18, 2009

checking in

I've nearly got my new laptop all loaded. I even swapped out hard drives and finally managed to get my new "superior" wireless router configured and secured. However, in one of my psychotic fits I did manage to leave all my dead laptop's data at my mom's house, but hopefully it will be shipped to me soon. (I miss my web bookmarks!) I'm still trying to play catch-up, so it's gonna be awhile before blogging resumes to its original/new capacities. Until then, one last cooking blog since I seem to be occupying much of my time lately cooking and recipe hunting.

Chickpea Broccoli Casserole:

Not exactly the most visually appetizing dish. Although simplistic in flavors it's great comfort food. The recipe is from, again, VEGAN WITH A VENGEANCE; it's super easy to make and the mashed chickpeas work as a good protein source for making casseroles.

Blueberry Coffeecake:

This is probably my favorites recipe out of VEGAN WITH A VENGEANCE so far. I slyly left it in the break room at work when I came in in the morning and the vultures devoured it with impressive speed. Even the co-workers who knew I made it, and therefore were suspicious of its ingredients, enjoyed it without complaint, well, except for the one who is allergic to walnuts (an ingredient I neglected to mention when he asked what was in it), but I'm sure the slight lisp he developed for the remainder of the day was totally worth it! Next time I'll add more blueberries and cinnamon. It wasn't quite as sweet as I would have liked it to have been but that may be due to the fact that I was slightly short of the required amount of maple syrup listed.

Brazilian Stew:

This is sooooooooooo good. And I don't think it's just because it's passed 3pm and I haven't eaten yet today. (I'm writing this as I wait for my second bowl's worth to cool down enough to eat.) The recipe is from Show Me Vegan, a cooking (and St. Louis) resource I'm very much enjoying recently. Who knew coconut milk and beer could be so good together?! For that matter, who knew beer could be good. Cilantro is one of my favorite herbs; I especially enjoy it in Vietnamese cooking but most of the best dishes at the local Vietnamese restaurants that pack in the herb are not vegetarian friendly. My mind is already fluttering with ingredients I can add and subtract to make even better variants.

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