Tuesday, December 2, 2008

my lovers have arrived


Tyler said...

Let me know when you regret your purchase so I can buy everything for half price!

Wait. What am I supposed to be looking at, the DVDs or the stuffed animals?

Which Wiseman films do you have? Have you watched any?

kura-kura said...

I would only consider auctioning my lovers, post-many-viewings, under a non-expiring option to retract the exchange at any time I so choose... the bear, the bitch, and my pair of stuffed asses however are not for sale under any circumstance.

As for Wiseman, at 30+ bucks a pop, I only purchased Titicut Follies, which I still haven't viewed... sOooOooN though! YES, OH YES!!!

Tyler said...

Zipporah is having a sale: Buy two get one free, buy five get two free, buy ten get three free... (I'm guessing you can't do multiple separate orders of 'buy 1 get 1 free'.) It ends December 31st so I guess I'm forced to stock up on Wiseman now. It's very hard to choose.

kura-kura said...

Argh, thanks for the tip. I'll have to watch Titicut and see how hooked I become. OR you can just buy them all and then loan them to me. I've checked Facets a few times, hoping they'd buy and rent them out but no such luck.